Support a variety of community projects that impact all ages and backgrounds in Northern New Mexico.


The Continuous Pathways Foundation is an independent 501c3 non-profit created by the Pueblo of Pojoaque to provide funding and support for culture, education, leadership, and individual and community wellness for the Pueblo and the northern New Mexico region.


List of Grantees

National Dance Institute - Santa Fe

Earth Day Community Clean Up - Pojoaque

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center - Albuquerque

Substance Abuse Court Program - Pojoaque

Denver Zoo - Denver

Social Services Program - Pojoaque

Tewa Women United - Espanola

Poeh Cultural Center - Pojoaque

First Nations Develop Institute - Denver

Veterans Memorial Project - Pojoaque

Rezilience Annual Art Market - Albuquerque

Boys & Girls Club of America - Pojoaque

Agriculture Program - Pojoaque

Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women - Albuquerque

Senior Center - Pojoaque

Pojoaque Valley Youth Soccer League

Youth Hoop Dancers Program - Pojoaque


Areas Of Support

Self Sufficency

Effecting sovereignty, stability and economic independence.



Empowering culture and arts.



Developing & investing in tomorrow’s leaders.



Preparing a healthy & holistic community in body, mind, & spirit.



We can contact you to discuss your giving options. Please fill out the form and we will get in touch with you. Thank you for your consideration and support.